What's the buzz about local honey?

We're a candy store that produces homemade chocolates & confections
but we also sell local honey! Honey? At a candy store? Absolutely!
We purchase honey directly from a local bee keeper in Flemington, NJ to provide delicious local honey for our customers.
We even use this local honey in our honey almond nougat!
Ask for a sample the next time you're in!

But why local? What's the buzz?!
  Honey has anti-inflammatory properties.
Local honey contains traces of local pollen.
Local pollen can help the body produce antibodies
to lessen the severity of seasonal allergic reactions.
It's important to buy local honey and not the honey sold at supermarkets.
Most store bought honey is heated which gets rid of the nutrients.
Raw honey is the best because its never heated. 

We sell a variety of local honey; clover & wildflower being the most popular.
We also sell honey from another beekeeper from South Jersey.
He provides us with Tupelo & Buckwheat honey.
Tupelo Honey is from beehives from a Tupelo tree in Florida and Georgia.
The trees only blossom for 3-4 weeks out of the year so its a rare find!
Buckwheat honey is a darker, thicker honey that tastes similar to molasses.
It's rich in antioxidants and helps fight off colds.

Why to buy local
  • You're supporting the local bee keepers
  • You're helping the local bee populations
  • Helps with local pollen allergies within a 50 mile radius.
  • Helps fight colds & soothes sore throats
  • Tastes AMAZING!

 Allergy season is upon us, so it's time to start eating some local honey!
Thanks for stopping by!
-The Fudge Shoppe

